速報APP / 生產應用 / DayNinja - Focus Timer+

DayNinja - Focus Timer+



檔案大小:67 MB


版本需求:系統需求:iOS 11.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。

DayNinja - Focus Timer+(圖1)-速報App

DayNinja combines the best productivity methods in the world: Pomodoro®, GTD by David Allen, Deep work, timeboxing and more, all in one FREE app.

Backed by years of research in what truly helps become a more productive person, some features include:

- Day View: Calendar shows your tasks for the day including in-between appointments and commitments.

DayNinja - Focus Timer+(圖2)-速報App

- New Day: DayNinja cleans up old tasks and resets your timers ready for you to re-prioritise and focus goals each day.

- KPI Performance streaks: Measure your focus each day and compare with daily performance charts.

- Statistics: Learn how many hours you spend doing focused work, breaks and the time you will finish your workday based on your goals and appointments.

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- To-do: prioritise your days tasks by drag & drop tasks into order.

- Target block count & estimates: Improve your ‘Zen’ by setting goals to complete tasks and number of blocks per day.

- Optimised user interface: only tasks that are important to complete your work focused. Quick swipe actions to keep you in flow throughout your day.

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- Customise your block and break durations.

- Tags let you simply glance to see related tasks and projects in your todo list.

- Satisfying sounds keep your day light and a smile on your face as you slash through tasks.

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Ideal tool for professional freelancers, designers and coders.


From the author:

DayNinja - Focus Timer+(圖6)-速報App

"Do you know how many hours of your day are actually productive, focused time?

Whether it be phone calls, emails, your smartphone or well-meaning colleagues tapping you on the shoulder for a “Do you have a minute?” kind of chat, our days are bombarded with interruptions. Before we know it, the day is over and we are left feeling rather down and thinking "Eek!? ...Is that all I got done today?"

Now let’s just assume that it is possible to work in a quiet place away from external interruptions. Our own minds are an even bigger source of distraction, with a new thought entering our minds every 3 minutes! Unless we have a system, a method, a process - whatever you want to call it, the outcome is likely to be the same day after day: stressful mess bouncing between other people’s agendas and not getting your most important work done. Sound familiar?

DayNinja - Focus Timer+(圖7)-速報App

The techniques built into this app have been inspired by proven productivity techniques:

Pomodoro®: The idea is to work in predetermined blocks of time. To do this, simply break a task up into 25-minute segments without stopping or getting distracted.

Getting Things Done®: Begin with a to-do list for the day and classify tasks according to priority.

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You have allocated them time and under your terms, you have achieved your goals, performed every task with a sense of quality and you finish every day satisfied. It sounds simple, and it is - in concept, but don’t expect to master this technique right away. It takes weeks of practicing the method day in and day out. It takes discipline. I have strayed at times when overwhelmed, I have reached the end of the week and wondered, “Where did I achieve this week”. It is those weeks when I have failed to be disciplined and failed to use the app. I have let other people’s agendas overrun my own.

Researchers have proven that self-control is one of the key determinants of success. When you exercise self-control and self-discipline through a good part of your day, it cannot help but spill over into other areas of your life... How you eat, sleep and your health and happiness. Stick with it, and you too will be a DayNinja.

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- Nathan Challen, App Developer. @DayNinjas

Want to learn more? Read, “Zen and the art of getting Sh*t done” by Nathan Challen on Medium or subscribe for more tips on productivity.

支援平台:iPhone, iPad